Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sexual transmitted diesease free essay sample

The Queens School Preface Question Rationale Introduction Conditions that slaves worked under in British plantation slavery Description Of the slaves trade as it occurred in Africa,the middle passage and the west Indies Punishments Conclusion Appendix Bibliography What evidence is there to prove that the Africans in the 1655 and 1807 were ill-treated who arrived in the British West Indies? The researchers choose this topic of research because further investigation was needed to be done on the Africans between the hearsays and 1 807 who ere ill-treated.It was comprised in various sectors to arrive to one goal, which was to make a profit on the slaves no matter what. Slavery was nothing to adore because it only wrought bitterness for slaved individuals Jose Marti a poetic philosopher and journalist in one his writing. Hatred slavery inevitable after math. The hinterlands of West Africa was where it started and it followed through with a lot of suffering and peril before finally ending in catastrophe for the planters and initial exculpation for the slaves and slavery was an interesting period in the British west Indian history. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual transmitted diesease or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I will educate you about the conditions under which slaves produced the various crops in the British West Indies. The horrible treatments of slaves will be forever engraved in the history books. The obvious effects have been past down to generations and have been expressed through racist evil behaviors. The hatred spread down through generations like wildfires on a hot summer day in a wild bush. The evils of slavery were so major that the half could never have been told. But how all this ill-treatment come to a head, was out of the want for anew labor source in the Sugar Revolution.Planters wanted to invest in free labor and did not care as much about the black workers as they did the work they yielded. This low-cost, high efficiency production, when finally achieved would have made them rich and could even secure their place somewhere in the European aristocracy. Taking the slaves as personal property, planters used and abused them in the most despicable ways possible. The slaves also fought back, but not ever in a British Colony, were slaves successful in a resistant action against planters. When slaves slipped up or fought back, the real wrath of the planters was unleashed. The punishments for certain simple mistakes were horrible and just furthered the already atrocious conditions under which these individuals tried to survive. Spain ruled over most of the islands until around 1655, when the British took over some. The change in power also resulted in a change in-laws, and thus slave laws. The evil had just started since the La Site Parties (Spanish Laws) were more compassionate in their approach to the dealing with the slaves than the police Laws of the British (developed between 1662 and 1705). After the takeover of the islands by the British, the Slave Trade continued until 807.Because of the trade, planters found it easy to replace slaves and thus could treat them anyway they liked. After the trade, the hope of the abolitionists was not made any better as the planters realized that buying was not really important as long as the slaves reproduced, because the children would be property of the planters. The different methods of punishments continued and were upgraded time after time in order to keep slaves in order. Some of these included whipping, being put in the stocks and being put in the plantations hospital.Slave revolts and risings were ever anticipated because man simply wasnt made to live without freedom and would generally fight anyone who tries to contravene such a right. In these slaves cases, there were no rights such as freedom which belonged to them, because the color of bond slavery was black. The death rates for black slaves in these islands were higher than birth rates. The decrease averaged about 3 percent per year in Jamaica and 4 percent a year in the smaller islands. The main causes for this were overwork and malnutrition. Slaves worked from sun up to sun down in harsh conditions.They were supervised under demanding masters, who gave them little deiced care. Slaves also had poor living conditions and consequently they contracted many diseases. The diary of slave owner Thomas Thistle wood of Jamaica details the extreme violence against slaves, and constitutes important historical documentation of the conditions for Caribbean slaves. Conditions under which slaves were recruited in West Africa and then shipped to the West Indies were not much different in character from the conditions under which they existed on the sugar plantations.Recruitment promoted inter-tribal jealously, strife and war among Africans encouraged by profit-seeking Europeans. The brutal ruthlessness of the inhuman traffic in human beings was symbolized by the slaves forts and factories with their inevitable barracudas. The misery in Africa was continued in the Atlantic crossing where fears of the unknown death my disease on overcrowded slaves ships and continuous attempts at suicide were among the most outstanding features. Conditions under which slaves lived and worked were harsh.They labored unremittingly with inadequate food, clothing, housing and medical care, and with severe restrictions placed on their freedom of movement. Slaves automatically reverted to the bottom of the social research and their inferior position was written into discriminatory legislation. Conditions under slaves existed attracted the attention various groups Of humanitarians in Europe who waited for an end to both the slave trade and slavery. The debates be;en the supporters and opponents of slavery were long and bitter.England the e victory of the opponents of slavery was marked by the abolition of the slaves trade in 1808 and after vain attempt to secure the improvement of harsh slaves conditions by the emancipation o f slaves in 1834. The Middle Passage did not begin with the transatlantic voyage, but with the future and sale of Africans, and ended with their forced adjustment to life in the Americas. It is one of history most horrific chapters, showing the human capacity for both cruelty and insensitivity and strength and survival.It is difficult to calculate the numbers of Africans that were transported; estimates have ranged from five million to 30 million. Further millions died during capture and on the journey across the Atlantic. History has seen few social disruptions on such a scale. Africans being forced below deck before transportation to the Caribbean and Americas. O Anti-Slavery International The voyage itself took between 6 and 8 weeks. The enslaved Africans were chained together by the hand and the foot, and packed into the smallest places where there was barely enough room to lie on ones side.It was here that they ate, slept, urinated, defecated, gave birth, went insane and died. They had no idea where they were going, or what was going to happen to them. Through all this misery and suffering, new African identities were created, forming a basis for a new transnational culture. Within these ships, Africans from different countries, regions, cultures and with different engages learned to communicate with each other; many conspired to overthrow their captors together.British eyewitness accounts were used to support the anti-slavery campaign. Alexander Balconied, a former slave ships surgeon wrote his Account of Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa in 1 788 which described the loss of life, the state of the holds below deck, and how some severely depressed Africans willed themselves to die: A woman was dejected from t he moment she came on board, and refused both food and medicine; being asked by the interpreter what she wanted, she replied nothing but to die, and she did IEEE. View of the Deck of the Slave Ship Alfonzo by Lieutenant Francis Emanuel, 1846 0 The Atlantic Slave Trade and Slave Life in the Americas: A Visual Record fife aboard the slave ships The life aboard the slave ships was generally hard and brutal. The slaves were stripped of every bit of dignity they had, and were subject to ill-treatment and punishment. The slaves were stowed below deck barely being able to move, and a lack of ventilation and sanitation facilities made the living conditions nearly unbearable.Taken from their homeland Slavery did exist long before the arrival of the Europeans; however the benefiting of slavery in Africa was very different from the European and American. In Africa slaves were generally a symbol of honor, and the slaves did have a lot of rights, among these were the right to marry and to own property, and they had normal legal rights. In addition, many of the Africans who were taken from their homeland most likely had extensive skills which were suppresse d when they were taken to America, and when they were forced to do one specific task, not being able to ever put their skills to use.The slaves were subject to brutal treatment with hard labor, lack of respect and beatings. The Middle Passage was the most recognized route in the transatlantic trade. Even though the Middle Passage itself was horrible and the slaves lived under inhuman conditions throughout the entire journey, the biggest threat was not always the journey itself, but the loading of the slaves in the African ports. As soon as the slaves were aboard the slave ships many would fully realize that they were going to be taken far away from their homeland, and violence would often break out even before the ships had left the port.More than once slaves would experience having to wait for the ships to set out towards open sea. Often they had to wait aboard the Slavers for the traders to buy more slaves. Aboard the ships the slaves were forced to live in chains constantly, because of the fear that they would try to escape or urge rebellions if they were allowed to move around freely. Along the African coast African slave traders also built trading post and slave forts, where slaves were kept capti ve, often in dark and filthy dungeons, waiting for the African traders to sell them on to European and American slave traders. Tight packers and loose packers Aboard the slave ships the slaves were stowed below deck like pieces of goods. There were two different ways the captain aboard a slave ship could pack the slaves. The slave ships could either be tight packers or loose packers, depending upon how many slaves were crammed below deck. Whether a slave ship was a tight-packer or a loose packer was generally a question of economy what was most profitable?It was believed that by given the slaves better food, a certain amount Of liberty and more space the death rate, which generally was very high, would go down, and the captain could in fact receive a better price for the slaves in the Caribbean, because the slaves were in a better condition. However, the supporters of tight packing answered by saying that even though the death rate might be a bit lower and that the slaves generally might be at better health upon arriving in the Caribbean on loose packers, tight packing would be more profitable and safer.Sla ves showing signs of starvation and who needed to be fattened up, or with wounds which needed to be hidden, could be fixed In slaves yards before the slaves were offered for sale on slave markets. Tight packers believed that by tight packing they would be more certain of a good profit, because even though a lot Of slaves might IEEE, they still would have more than enough left. The disagreement about which of the methods of packing slaves were the most profitable, continued as long as the trade itself.However, from the 17th century and onwards most slave ships were tight packers. The profit on each slave, no matter the state the slave arrived in, was so high that most captains loaded his ship to its most capacity and became tight packers. In most slave ships the slaves were stowed on shelves which were usually less than half a meter high, and therefore the slaves could not sit up. In some cases they would be stored spoon-fashion on top of each other.The slaves were chained together which further limited their ability to move and any attempt to move would either hurt themselves or others. On some ships the women and children were allowed to move about the slave deck freely, however, the men were as good as always chained. Sometimes the captain could allow some men to be freed from the chains, if they did not seem to pose a threat to the crew. The slaves were sometimes left below deck for days at a time, denied food, drink or any exercise, because of bad weather.The slaves were chained together the right foot of one shackled to the left tot of another or chained to the deck by their neck and legs. They had less than no space to move, and were often so tightly packed that they could not move without touching another slave. When slaves died they were often left where they were, and therefore it was not uncommon to find slaves chained to a dead or dying slave. The slaves mostly lived in ignorance throughout the entire journey. They did not understand why they had been taken from their homeland and they had no idea about where they were headed. In addition they did not understand the slave traders language, and frustration would clearly run high, when heir pleas for information from the slave traders probably would be met with laughter on their behalf. The slaves did not know how long this voyage was going to last if it would ever end and had no idea about what were going to happen to them upon the arrival in their new Country. More than a few thought that the Europeans were cannibals, because they had never see anyone ever return when taken away on a slave ship, and therefore this thought was as natural to many as anything else.Aloud Equation, an African captured as a boy who later wrote an autobiography, recalled: nine I looked mound the ship too and saw a large furnace of copper boiling, and a multitude of black people of every description chained together, every one of their countenances expressing dejection and sorrow, no longer doubted of my fate and quite overpowered with horror and anguish, I fell motionless on th e deck and fainted. I asked if we were not to be eaten by those white men with horrible looks, red faces and long hair? As mentioned before slavery did exist in Africa and the slaves taken aboard transatlantic slave ships, might have had knowledge about slavery. However, the slaves could not possibly have had knowledge about or understood the reattempt they were subject to on European and American slave ships. The lack of knowledge together with the cruel and inhuman living condition aboard many slave ships must have been complete torture. Daily routines aboard the slave ships In periods with good weather, the slaves on most slave ships would be brought up on deck in the mornings.Normally the women and children would be allowed to move freely around the deck. The men would be chained together, because it was commonly believed that they would be the ones that would cause violence and resistance. During the day the slaves received two meals the first one was generally early in the mornings. The slaves were normally fed differently depending on where in Africa they had been taken aboard the slave ship. The slave traders believed that the slaves would stay healthier and that they would avoid rebellions if the slaves were given food they were familiar with.Some slaves would be fed boiled rice, millet or cornmeal; others stewed yams, while others again would be fed manic, cassava flour or banana-like fruits. On rare occasion a few pieces of meat would be thrown into the slaves ; food, to keep them healthy. In the afternoons the slaves would be given their second meal of the day. This al normally differed from and was often worse than the first one. The meal usually consisted of horse bean, which are large beans which were used to feed horses. The beans were boiled and served with a mixture of flour, water and palm oil, and Cayenne pepper or other spices were added to conceal the taste of the horse beans. To ensure a good price for the slaves upon arrival in the Caribbean the captain had to keep the slaves in relatively good physical condition, so to achieve this the slaves were danced every morning on deck. The slaves were forced to jump up and down and dance, something which was extremely manful for the men who were still chained together.The dancing was normally accompanied by poundings on an African drum or iron kettle, and sometimes by a fiddle or an African banjo. Rebellions Rebellions and other forms of protest did occur though they were rare, and were usually quickly and easily put down. The slaves, weakened by the lack of food and water and by the terrible condition in which they lived, stood very little chance against the crew which were stronger and had weapons such as rifles and pistols to use against the slave s. A numerous amount of slaves were killed is such riots. The slaves, on the other hand, would make weapons out of their shackles and chains, and other objects they might get their hands on, and attempt to hurt or kill crew members. However, this was very rare and most slaves did not succeed and were killed. SLAVES TRADING AREAS IN WASTEWATER PUNISHMENTS Whenever slaves were accused of doing wrong they were punished either immediately or after their court hearing. In the courts, a slave accused of any crime against a white person was doomed. No testimony could be made by a slave against a white person.Therefore, the slaves side Of the story could never be told in a court of law. And of course, slaves were never members of juries as well. The punishment varied on the type of charge and the zone where they resided (rural or urban). Punishments for disobeying colonialists, (according to data from records kept on numerous plantations) differed between men and women. When male slaves were punished, they received on average 15 to 20 stripes from the driver (slave who was given whip to direct other worker slaves), or by a Jimmy Jumped (a slave randomly appointed by the driver to use the whip).Common punishment for women included varied period of time in the stocks, solitary confinement and even whipping. Whipping was finally abandoned for females in the late 1 asss. The punishment for Caribbean slave women was generally less physically demanding than that of Caribbean slave men. If a planter had a slave who was always running away, he was allowed to fit him with an iron yoke that had three long hooks projecting from it to hinder his future escapes. Some slaves were forced to hide meat in their cabins.If the planter discovered that the slave was stealing food rations, he is directed to cut off the culprits ear or brand the letter S in his/her forehead or cheek. Any enslaved person was put to death if found guilty Of committing serious offences or even suspected of doing so: for example plotting slave risings. The occupational hazards of the work of the slaves were enormous. The men were the main victims, because of the diversity of their occupations, especially in the manufacturing process and transportation.Kuhn (a physician) made a special study of the dangers inherent in the tasks of the field slaves. The heaviest work they had to perform was digging trenches (particularly when the soil was very dry). Hernia and other back problems could be the result. Turning the soil was done with a hoe and caused strong droning in the chest, especially harmful for the women. Pounding coffee and ginning cotton produced clouds of dust, which could lead to damage of the lungs. Furthermore, cotton was ginned on a small machine that had to be propelled by foot: this labor makes the negro stiff.Carrying heavy loads on the back could cause parolees in the groin. Cutting grass and picking weeds was done in an uncomfortable position which in the long run also insults the breast and the arm. The sugar mill was a den of dangers. It was open to two or three sides, so the cool night air had free entry and the heating slaves could catch pneumonia and other respiratory troubles. Some sugar boilers slipped and fell into the hot liker, getting burned horribly.Rowing was a very tiring work that the slaves often had to perform continuously for six or more hours. The only occupation conductive to both physical and mental health was lumbering: the Negroes of the timber grounds distinguish themselves by stronger muscle power and a freer attitude from the rest of the Negro population. Pregnancy was the greatest source of danger for the women, but (as Bloom claimed) not because of the fact that on many plantations they were not pared hard work when expecting.He had observed that on several plantations there is an old habit, that as soon as a woman is pregnant, she does not have to go to work; and on other plantations [there] is a no less old habit, that they may stay in their houses a considerable time after delivery . But one has manifold experiences, that on the plantations where they have to work until the last day of their pregnancy, they suffer from fits or difficult deliveries the least; and that (extraordinary circumstances excepted) they can go back to work four weeks after their delivery. This is in tune with the myth f the easy childbirth, with which African women were supposedly blessed. With experts believing this, it is no wonder that many slave women had a difficult time. The plantation midwives, convinced of their superior knowledge, firmly resisted any interference and many women died promulgate fever due to their lack of hygiene. The Spaniards first tried the native Indians as laborers but when these proved inadequate turned to Negro labor other Europeans at first tried Europeans indentured laborers but when these could not be obtained in sufficient numbers they had recourse to negro Africans also.Negroes were employed as slaves. Slavery had a profound effect upon west Indian society. It led to the emergence of various social groups the whites, the free Negroes and free closured and slaves based on qualities of color wealth and education. Within each group there were further subdivisions. The free Negroes and free closured and slaves occupied inferior social positions and theyre denied equal political and economic privileges to the whites. The living and working conditions of slaves in particular were bad. Food and clothing were inadequate and housing was far below the standards of those longing to the whites.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Teen Years and The Catcher in the Rye Essays

Teen Years and The Catcher in the Rye Essays Teen Years and The Catcher in the Rye Essay Teen Years and The Catcher in the Rye Essay Essay Topic: The Catcher in the Rye For many individuals, their teenage years are difficult time. Many teens yearn for a sense of belonging and have difficulty in seeking a place where they genuinely fit in. Holden Caulfield, a teenager in the 1950’s faces the same problems. After flunking out of his fourth boarding school, he decides to not go home and spends a couple of nights alone in New York.This ultimately leads to his mental breakdown. Holden’sfears cause him to have a his guard up at all times and his value tie him to the past. By lying, Holden reveals his fear of rejection. Towards the end of the novel Holden takes Sally Hayes on a date. Holden does not actually have feelings for Sally, but he still makes an effort to spend time with her. Holden has a strong admiration for Jane but doesn’t attempt to contact her.His love for her is evident, he wants to protect her and he even admires the simple things about Jane. For instance, he admires the fact that she kept her kings in the back when playing checkers. By keeping the kings in the back she is protecting them and Holden tries to do the same to Jane and fails to protect her and from her drunken stepfather. He does so because if Holden were to be rejected by Sally it would have no effect on him, because he does not genuinely like her. If he were to be rejected by Jane his reaction would verydifferent, considering the fact that he actually likes Jane. He would rather be unhappy with Sallyinstead oftakinga chance with Sally and being rejected by her. H e is protecting himself, it would destroy him to be rejected by a person that he cares about so much. Another time Holden lies to protect himself is when he lies to Ernest Morrow’s mother on the train ride leaving Pencey. Instead of waiting till it was time for break he packs all his things and leaves early. She sees that he has a Pencey sticker on his luggage asks about if she knows her son. Holden lies and says her son is one of the most popular b

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Innovative Leadership and Culture Matrix and Paper Research

Innovative Leadership and Culture Matrix and - Research Paper Example The matrix diagram provides a relationship diagram of Dell and HP organizational leadership and culture with regard to the four frames model. Lastly, an explanation is provided for the significance of comparing Dell and HP using the selected dimensions with regard to innovative leadership and culture for those organizations. Dell’s Innovative Leadership According to Jones (2007), Michael Dell of Dell Computer, â€Å"adopted a very different approach to managing his company. Dell developed a participative management approach, involved employees in decision-making, and fostered a spirit of comradeship and cooperation among team members to encourage top performance. His management style engendered intense loyalty from his employees, who liked his hands-on approach, and his close attention to managing his company† (p.10). The author noted that â€Å"Michael Dell was careful to watch the teams’ progress closely. When a project seemed not to be working out or was cost ing too much, he would quickly end it and transfer engineers to other projects† (p.10). ... all development promotes individuals from within, creates organizational alignment, develops core capabilities and managerial effectiveness (Jones, 2007). Dell ‘s Culture Change Dell Corporation had experienced a decline in growth in late 2000. The company began to focus on redesigning its culture in a way that would emphasize new values, new rituals and traditions, a new entrepreneurial spirit, and a willingness to invest substantially in improving the knowledge and skills exhibited by workers (How Dell got a soul, 2004). As a result, of this organizational cultural change process, Dell began to experience dramatic improvements in employee satisfaction and worker retention, leading to greater productivity and performance improvements (How Dell got a soul, 2004). Jones (2007), stated, â€Å"Dell’s new innovative organizing approach fosters a different kind of company cultu re† (p.10). This kind of organizational culture provides a work climate where people cooperate to improve their performance. Career management programs also enhance the company’s ability to retain and develop Dell Team members (Jones, 2007). Dell (2012), noted â€Å"people are its most important asset. From a focus on growth and domestic market dominance to one of leadership, talent management, and a global outlook, Michael Dell has created a â€Å"Winning Culture† that includes promoting best practices among its global workforce. HP’s Innovative Leadership According to Quinn and Poletti (2006), HP began to experience a leadership crisis after having grown at a rate of 18 percent a year for 60 years under the leadership of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard and their record of innovative product development.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Application for Chartered Status in Energy (Professional Recognition) Essay

Application for Chartered Status in Energy (Professional Recognition) - Essay Example The last five years of my career have been particularly focused on energy analysis, and it is in gaining these competencies that I believe that I have become able to meet the criteria set by your institute. My central area of expertise is in renewable energy, and in this pursuit, I have become skilled in technical standards development, feasibility studies, energy efficiency and building design. Within the renewable energy framework, my focus has been on photovoltaic systems in the form of standalone generation solutions, which includes solar water heating appropriate to building requirements and to help achieve sustainability targets through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally among the standalone systems I have experience of as a member of teams is in the evaluation of double-effect solar cooling systems. This experience was gained in the testing of the viability of using the sun’s heat to cool buildings in the Masdar City project, referred to in more det ail below. Furthermore, I have been involved in numerous feasibility studies to evaluate renewable energy efficiency options in the building services. Simultaneously, I have become experienced in the conceptualisation of delivery models; the establishment of management systems; engineering design; technical specification development; and the management of projects. Solid waste treatment has been part of my responsibility, as have types of tunnel ventilation. Currently my desire is to extend my career into a position with a growth-oriented organisation, where my technical and commercial, as well as my managerial capabilities can be exercised. I wish to secure an upper-level position, which will be able to provide challenges and rewards by offering a wide-ranging set of responsibilities, both in terms of engineering and leadership. While this may be possible outside of my particular specialities, fire fighting design and LPG design, it would also not be impossible for me to find new c hallenges and directions within this direction. Nonetheless, I would appreciate the recognition of what I have done already. Therefore, I respectfully wish to submit that my qualification levels, the variety of my experience, and my continuing contribution in the field enable me to apply for the abovementioned recognition through your organisation. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Above and beyond my academic qualifications – my MSc Thesis was entitled â€Å"Fuel cells and Efficient Power Generation† – , my current experience and work history enable me with confidence to list a number of key competencies, and engineering related skills which I am able to deliver well. Additionally, specific aspects of my experience are highlighted, as they relate to this application. These are noted below, as a precursor to a more detailed description of a number of highlights in my career, relevant to this application. Current Competencies Summary An outline of my competencies related to m anagement, leadership and project management: Good communication skills in Serbian, English and Russian (at an intermediate level) Client liaison, project management briefing and presentation; and ongoing client support and maintenance of client relationships Independent organisational and managerial

Monday, November 18, 2019

See Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

See Below - Essay Example Secure Communities is a new strategy developed by the Department of Homeland Security, with the goal of identifying arrested immigrants who are to be deported under U.S. law. The Secure Communities strategy has considerable benefits and several weaknesses. Despite the growing concern with regard to the validity and legitimacy of the Secure Communities strategy, it is the best way to diminish the scope of illegal immigration and its potential contribution to terrorism: through Secure Communities, the U.S. will finally remove thousands of offenders from its territory and reduce the costs of law enforcement and criminal justice without any damage caused to the security and individual rights protection of U.S. citizens. Secure Communities is a new strategy developed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security with the goal of identifying arrested immigrants who are to be deported from the country under U.S. law (Immigration Policy Center). The Secure Communities strategy works in a quite straightforward way. Once an individual is arrested, his (her) fingerprints are sent to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and checked against all criminal databases (Immigration Policy Center). Under the Secure Communities strategy, these fingerprints are also sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), to be checked against the U.S. ... Before the individual is released back into the community, ICE will decide whether he (she) has the legal right to be present on the American territory or should be detained to be further deported from the country under U.S. law. Secure Communities has the potential to reduce the number of immigrant offenders in the United States. It is no secret that the entire program is intended to reduce the number of immigrant criminals and terrorists in the American land. The program offers vast opportunities for removing the most dangerous criminals (MacDonald). Statistically, every fifth suspect matched to a violation record in the Secure Communities program is deemed Class I offender (MacDonald). Since the beginning of the program, a total of 64,000 individuals, including more than 14,000 Class I offenders, have been deported from the country (MacDonald). To a large extent, Secure Communities increase safety and security across all American communities where the program is implemented: by 20 13, all states and communities will need to have the program in place. As a result, all communities will be able to enjoy the benefits of the new program and to become safe and secure for their members. Secure Communities reduce the costs of law enforcement and criminal justice for U.S. taxpayers without any damage caused to their safety and security in American communities. The program enables greater interoperability across all law enforcement agencies (Immigration Policy Center). With the help of the Secure Communities program, law enforcement professionals can access both IAFIS and IDENT databases, which reduce the time of information processing and its costs (Pless). The discussed integration of computer databases

Friday, November 15, 2019

Survey Engine to Assess Indirect Attainment Parameter in OBE

Survey Engine to Assess Indirect Attainment Parameter in OBE 1 INTRODUCTION The proposed system consists to two modules: Admin Users Report The administrator can perform several operations such as add and delete Question in question bank and creating survey etc. The administrator cans also send email to user to give survey and generate report. The User can receive an email to give survey he can give survey by opening link in email received by him. If user does not give survey he will receive email again for survey. The Generated report are useful for useful for outcome based education system where improvement and necessary changes are made into the system by using survey reports. 1.2 COMPANY PROFILE Founded in 2007, e-Sutra Chronicles Pvt. Ltd is a technology products firm based in Bangalore, India. Our innovative, category creating products for the Indian and international education sector are marketed under the brand name of Contineo. Our vision is to build world class products with Indian relevance and global applicability. Our mission is to accelerate the adoption of academic autonomy in India through IT. Contineo is a pioneering OBE enabling software platform for implementation and administartion of academic autonomy contineo executes full academic autonomy cluminating in secure confidential accurate,efficient and auditable examination of both the digitized answer script and coventional paper and pen variety. The contineo IT platform helps to organizations to quickly implement OBE conform to processes of academic autonomy execute credible examiniations and simplify accredition. While providing insightful analysis so as to allow institutes to focus on academic inovation and research. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY EXISTING SYSTEM: Currently to find information about survey we have to depend on various different sources to gain or find information Before the computerization of the survey system. Survey was taken manually using papers. The manual system requires lot of man power. A Person has to handle all the section like creating survey taking survey by using paper etc. which was so lengthy and tedious job. A Person has to manually check the records and maintain it. Then he generate reports it is very difficult job. If there is some inquiry for any information about survey then we need to check all the survey information and then the information was given. It was very tedious process. Limitation of manual system Wastage of manpower Inaccuracy in Maintaining records Time consuming PROPOSED SYSTEM: The proposed system is a web based application that helps to take survey from the people online. Admin will setup survey and send email to invite people for survey. People will give survey. In management dashboard we can maintain all the stuff like who is responded those who not respond we can send remainder email. Survey is based on question and option each option has weight age and this weight age is analyzed by using different OBE parameter. By using formulas graph and report are generated. Advantages of proposed system Saves manpower Accuracy in Maintaining records Time Saving FEASIBILITY STUDY Once you define a problem you have to check whether it is feasible or not, because all possible solutions are not feasible and feasible one is not always possible. A feasibility study is a test of checking your system proposal and its work ability, impact on the organization ability to meet user needs an effective use of resources. When a new application is proposed it can be goes through a feasibility study before it is approved for deployment. During feasibility analysis for this project, following issues are to be considered. The Key Considerations In Feasibility Study Are: Technical Feasibility. Organizational Feasibility. Economical Feasibility. Behavioral Feasibility. Technical Feasibility: In Technical Feasibility study, we have to test whether the proposed system can be developed using existing technology or not. The proposed system can be implemented with the existing technology with few changes easily. Organizational Feasibility: Organizational Feasibility is the study to identify the priority given to the system in the organization. The objective of the proposed system is to reduce the maintenance and overload of management employees. Using Online Application for survey the company can maintain all the detail of survey. Economical Feasibility: Economic feasibility means that the benefits of project are greater than the costs incurred. 1. Manpower cost As the proposed system is automating the survey it doesn’t require any additional man power thereby reducing the manpower cost. 2. Hardware and Software cost The organization already has a computer network and the proposed system can be installed without any additional expenditure of hardware and software. Behavioral Feasibility: In behavioral feasibility an estimate is made of how strong a reaction the user staff is likely to have towards the development of a computerized system. As the firm is in process of development so there are no chances of resistance from the users. TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGIES USED TOOLS USED 1) LAMP Server: is a Linux web development environment. It allows you to create web applications with Apache2, PHP and a MySQL database. Alongside, PHPMyAdmin allows you to manage easily your databases. 2) Firebug: What is Firebug? Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. 3) phpmyadmin : It is a open source free tool developed in PHP. It handle the data of MYSQL by using GUI and web browser. It can do various tasks such as add, delete, modify databases, tables, rows etc. by executing SQL command. 4) Mysql workbench: It is good software of Mysql. This is useful creating database. Adding foreign keys and all is easy. We can also draw EER diagram which show exact relation between tables. 5) gedit: this is ubuntu by default editor where we can write code. It shows line number and other details. TECHNOLOGIES USED The technology selected forimplementing the application is PHP, and joomla framework MVC component since it was the requirement of the Client to develop an Interactive User Friendly Application. The development was done in a ‘Linux’ environment using for security reasons. The MVC software design pattern There are three parts to the MVC design pattern: the model, view, and controller. The controller and view may both be considered a part of the presentation layer while the model may be seen as a fusion of the business logic and data-access layers. Each element of the MVC is represented in Joomla! by an abstract class: Jmodel, JView, and JController. These classes are located in the joomla.application.component library. MODEL A model will normally contain data access methods to retrieve, add, remove, and update data stored within a specific data source. The model allows us to modify data. The methods that define business logic are essentially defining the behavior of the data VIEW The view defines how we present our data. In Joomla!, when we use a view to display HTML, we use layouts (a form of template) that provide us with an extra layer of control and enable us to present our data in multiple formats. In addition to HTML, views can be formatted to present data in other formats such as PDF or news feeds. CONRTOLLER The controller determines what operation or task has been requested and, based on the request, selects the appropriate model(s) and passes any data modification requests to the appropriate model, creates a view, and associates one or more models with the view. The controller does not manipulate data; it only calls methods in the model. The controller does not display data but rather creates a view that can display the data. JOOMLA Joomla! is a modular and extensible PHP MySQL CMS (Content Management System). It is an open-source project, which is released under version 2 of the GPL license. Joomla! has fast become one of the most popular open source CMSs, which is proved by its numerous awards and massive online community. PHP PHP originally stood for â€Å"Personal Home Page† and was released as a free, open source project. Over time, the language was reworked to meet the needs of its users. GUI applications PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. HTML: HTML is used to creating the web page either of Static or of Dynamic and used to develop the user friendly web pages. HTML uses ASCII characters for both the main text and formatting instructions. The main text is data and the whole information is used by the browser to format the data. A HTML document is simply a text file, which contains certain information you would like to publish. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Hardware Requirements: The basic hardware requirements are as follows: PROCESSOR : Pentium IV above. RAM : 512 MB above. HARD DISK : 10 GB above. MONITOR : Color. Software Requirements: OPERATING SYSTEM: Linux Ubuntu 12.04 SERVER: LAMP server DATABASE : Mysql BROWSER : Mozilla Firefox/Google chrome TOOLS USED : Mysql workbench; USER INTERFACE : HTML, CSS, JavaScript LANGUAGES : PHP FRAMEWORK : Joomla 3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS SPECIFICATION USERS Users are those who are actually going to use this software. The â€Å"survey engine to assess indirect attainment parameters in outcome based education† has two types of users. Both of these users are provided with different user interfaces. Users: Users are the actual users of this system. They use this software in to give an feedback. The user will receive an email for survey he has give survey which is very useful for outcome based education system make changes in system. Admin: Administrator is the person who is going to maintain this software. He is provided with the interface that helps to create an survey an send email to users and generate report. This software must satisfy the time and speed constraints of both the users. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Functional requirements are very important system requirements in a software requirements in a software engineering process (or at micro level, a sub part of requirement engineering) such as technical specifications, system design parameters etc. In contrast there is one more requirements which are based on some parameters such as performance of the system, software quality attributes, reliability and security, cost constraints, design/implementation constraints. The functional requirement defines the capabilities and functions that a system must be able to perform successfully. The System must provide following functionalities :- Keeping records survey. A detailed Report regarding the survey should be maintained and produced whenever needed. Storing the feedback complaints given by the users. The Feedback and Complaints given by the users should be stored and accessible by the Admin. Keeping details about the users he is given survey or not. Sending emails. The Admin can notify users regarding information of survey through email. User friendly user interface User will get good user friendly interface.The software should run on various operating systems with different browsers . NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS Non-Functional requirements define the needs in terms of performance, logical database requirements, design constraints, standards compliance, reliability, availability, security, maintainability, and portability. Performance Performance requirements define how fast the system responds. The load time for user interface screens shall take no longer than ten seconds. Requested queries shall be return results within few seconds. Reliability System should specify the factors required to establish the required reliability of the software system at time of delivery. Availability The website is available as and when user needs. Maintainability Data in the System shall be easily maintained. Testing rigorously and fixing bugs as it occurs to make the application robust Scalability The system should scale well as the number of users increase. It’s a large survey base application so as the numbers of user increase the application should provide the same performance Testability The Developed system is tested with test goals, test methods used, and test resources. The result is stored with proper values so that it can be referred for future testing conditions. 4 SYSTEM DESIGN SYSTEM PERSPECTIVE This system is a replacement for the manual existing systems to get survey from users. The authenticated users only allowed using the services of the system. So that the related information can be accessed by the particular users. â€Å"Survey engine to assess indirect attainment parameters in outcome based education† is aimed at developing a web-based system that helps people to get the details regarding the request from the users. Our application helps to maintain the details of survey i. e. feedback is taken from users to improve outcome based education system. Our application provides a way to produce staff, course, industry survey reports with graphs, which helps in analyzing growth and suggestion of institute. This can be achieved by graphs like PI, Bar graphs. CONTEXT DIAGRAM System Design: Design is the blue print of the system documentation. Designing process starts after identifying reports and other outputs the system will produce. It should be done carefully since if it is incorrect, it will produce the incorrect outputs. CONTEXT LEVEL DATA FLOW DIAGRAM OF PROPOSED SYSTEM: Here is the Context Level DFD and let’s see it contains: First admin login. He can add question in question bank. Then he creates a survey by selecting question from question bank and assigns it to a particular survey. After that he send email to user. user will receive email and gives survey. According to the user response report are generated. 5 DETAILED DESIGNS Use-Case Diagram: SEQUENCE DIAGRAMS COLLABARATION DIAGRAMS ACTIVITY DIAGRAM DATABASE DESIGN CONCEPTUAL SCHEMA : 6 IMPLEMENTATION SCREEN SHOTS 7 SOFTWARE TESTING Introduction: Software testing is the execution of program to find its faults. The testing process focuses on the logical internals of the software, ensuring that all statements have been tested and on the functional externals, that is conducting test to uncover errors and ensure that defined inputs will produce actual results agreed with required results. The following test strategies were adopted to test the system. Testing Strategies: There are two general strategies for testing software. These are as follows: Code Testing: This examines the logic of the program. To follow this test, cases are developed such that every path of program is tested. Specification Testing :Specification Testing examines the specification starting what the program should do and how it should perform under various conditions. Then test cases are developed for each condition and combinations of conditions and to be submitted for processing. Testing Method Used: Here black box testing and statistical testing are used. In black box testing, all possible types of inputs and seen for corresponding outputs and if not giving, code are corrected. In statistical testing, checking for all variables whether they assigned values before using it, whether array bound correctly defined, whether looping statement terminating without going to infinite loop, whether function parameter are passed in order and about number of parameters etc., are checked successfully and found correct everything working satisfactorily. The stages in testing process are: Unit Testing: Individual components are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. Each component tested independently without other system components. Ex. Checked for Username and Password with the table, after the next module is loaded session allocation. System Testing: System testing is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is fully to exercise the computer-based system. The system tests that where applied are recovery testing and performance testing. Finally a review or audit is conducted which is a final evaluation that occurs only after operating the system long enough for user to have gained a familiarity with it. System testing was done by the inspection team to verify that all the functionality identified is the software requirement specification has been implemented. Defects that crept in the system has been found defect free and is working well. System testing is concerned with interfaces, design logic, control flow recovery, procedures throughput, capacity and timing characteristics of the entire system. For blank field, alphabets, number and special character validation. 8 CONCLUSION The present computerized system is useful for creating survey. This system is developed as simple as possible to user. Being user-friendly software the user doesn’t find any difficulty in using it. Creating survey and taking survey by using paper. Which was so lengthy and tedious job. This software overcomes these problems. Importance of the system: Less manual work. Increased efficiency. Decreases the rate of errors. It reduces the time consumption. Quick (instant) result. 9 FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS We can use this project in all the Institute where survey is required. We can manage all the information of survey in cloud. The coding pattern is kept as dynamic as possible with minimum amount of static values to make it easier for future extensions. As the current system is expected to add more functionality and dependency according to requirement changes and technology, proper coding standards and working platform have been kept in mind to produce a quality product. This will be a feature which will be added in future. Appendix A BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference Books Robert W. Sebesta : â€Å"Programming the world wide web†, 4th edition, Pearson Education, 2008 Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering,8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2007 Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 4th, Edition, Pearson Education 2003. Mastering Joomla! 1.5 Extension and Framework Development Second Edition The Professional Guide to Programming Joomla! Website KLEDRMSSCET, BelgaumDepartment of MCA 2014-2015

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Electric ID Essays -- Technology Animals Essays

Electric ID Each year hundreds pets are stolen from their owners and resold because they have no permanent ID. Thousands more are turned into shelters and euthanized because their owner is unknown. These pets could have been returned to their owner if they had the proper ID. When most people look for a way to identify their pet, many people choose a simple dog tag. However, tags can fall off or the information can wear off. There are more permanent ways to ID an animal; traditionally tattoos were used but today technology has given owners a better option, the microchip. Microchip ID's are just that. A miniature microchip is placed underneath the skin of the pet and it can be used to accurately identify the owner of the animal. There are many companies that manufacture pet microchips, and the two main companies in the United States today are AVID and Destron-Fearing. Although both microchips are essentially the same in function, there are key differences that a pet owner should look at when choosing one. They include: the design of the microchip, the countries it is used in, the operating life, the species it is used in, the scanner that will read it, the databases, and the cost. Before examing the differences, two question need to be answered: what is it and how does it work? What is it? In the last twenty years, technology has produced a product that allows for an animal to be permanently identified for life. This product is called an electronic ID or a microchip. A microchip is a very small tube, about the size of a grain of rice that is injected into a specific site on the animal. Each tube contains a microchip that is encoded with a unique ID that cannot be changed. This number is read by a scanner and allows the... matter where the animal is, the owner can always be traced. When comparing the cost of ID options, a simple dog tag on the collar is the cheapest route. Although the cost of the microchip may seem quite large at first, overall it can save pet owners money because it lasts for the lifetime of the pet. While both companies have good products, a pet owner needs to consider several things before choosing to use a microchip and which company they feel is best. Most biological evidence points to HomeAgain as the better choice. Between the two companies, HomeAgain has returned more pets to owners than any other company. Isn't that the point? References: AKC AVID Destron-Fearing (HomeAgain) Electric ID Essays -- Technology Animals Essays Electric ID Each year hundreds pets are stolen from their owners and resold because they have no permanent ID. Thousands more are turned into shelters and euthanized because their owner is unknown. These pets could have been returned to their owner if they had the proper ID. When most people look for a way to identify their pet, many people choose a simple dog tag. However, tags can fall off or the information can wear off. There are more permanent ways to ID an animal; traditionally tattoos were used but today technology has given owners a better option, the microchip. Microchip ID's are just that. A miniature microchip is placed underneath the skin of the pet and it can be used to accurately identify the owner of the animal. There are many companies that manufacture pet microchips, and the two main companies in the United States today are AVID and Destron-Fearing. Although both microchips are essentially the same in function, there are key differences that a pet owner should look at when choosing one. They include: the design of the microchip, the countries it is used in, the operating life, the species it is used in, the scanner that will read it, the databases, and the cost. Before examing the differences, two question need to be answered: what is it and how does it work? What is it? In the last twenty years, technology has produced a product that allows for an animal to be permanently identified for life. This product is called an electronic ID or a microchip. A microchip is a very small tube, about the size of a grain of rice that is injected into a specific site on the animal. Each tube contains a microchip that is encoded with a unique ID that cannot be changed. This number is read by a scanner and allows the... matter where the animal is, the owner can always be traced. When comparing the cost of ID options, a simple dog tag on the collar is the cheapest route. Although the cost of the microchip may seem quite large at first, overall it can save pet owners money because it lasts for the lifetime of the pet. While both companies have good products, a pet owner needs to consider several things before choosing to use a microchip and which company they feel is best. Most biological evidence points to HomeAgain as the better choice. Between the two companies, HomeAgain has returned more pets to owners than any other company. Isn't that the point? References: AKC AVID Destron-Fearing (HomeAgain)